Welcome to PACER’s documentation!

This document exists as a guide to help users understand the P ublic H ealth Automated C ase E lectronic R eporting tool, providing user and developer documentation.

What is PACER?

PACER is a client-server architechture for collecting supplemental health care data for health department and public health organizations.

PACER describes both a client component, as well as a server component. PACER client consists of a local database, an ELR receiver, a manager api, and a ui frontend. The client program can be configured to connect to one or many seperate PACER Server. PACER server is a hosted supplemental service for FHIR EHR servers, designed to retrieve supplimental information for relevant cases data

For users, You can review the PACER Client section and :doc: server section for a detailed breakdown of services within each components For developers, direct installation instructions can be found in the Client Installation Instructions and Server Installation Instructions page.


This project is under active development.
